Social Distancing Protocols
We will be working in small groups to limit interaction between students. Camp staff will sanitize surfaces and any shared supplies during transition times. We will be taking temperatures at the door before any student or staff is allowed entry to the building. Parents will be asked to refrain from entering the building if at all possible to limit the number of people in the building. If you need an exception to this please talk to us. Students will also be required to sanitize hands or wash hands upon entry, after using the restroom, before eating, and before using shared supplies. Masks are allowed but not required. We will do our best to spread out but will not require 6 ft or more at all times as young students need to be able to interact with teachers and other students to participate in appropriate learning activities. While we will do everything we can to protect student and staff health, we also want to consider mental health and will do our best to provide a comfortable and playful environment conducive to learning.
Enrichment Camps
Typically, on the last day of camp we invite families in for a camp showcase. We will not be doing that this summer, but will, instead, share the highlights of the week and final products with you via video. If Covid-19 cases in our area continue to decrease over the summer we may reevaluate this decision for the last weeks of camp.